Actions – energies of the administrative council in 2020



  • Implementation of the decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 15/12/2019.
  • Proposal – planning by the former vice-president of E.E.N.A. Mr. Athanasiadis Stathis for a series of neurology courses by EENA at regular intervals in collaboration with reputable neurologists.


  • Established annual briefing for secretarial and cashiering of members.
  • Preparation of a five-day training seminar in autumn 2020 in Athens with Eddy Mellaerts PT, PT, NDT tutor from Belgium (cancelled due to the pandemic).


  • Approval of the proposal of Ms Papasteriou Evangelia to organize a workshop on 18/10/2020, in Thessaloniki on “Protection and prevention measures in pediatric rehabilitation”.
  • Actions – correspondence to members on ways to respond to the pandemic of COVID- 19.
  • Translation of the association’s webpage in English.
  • Donation of eleven (11) physical therapy mattresses. Specifically, six (6) mattresses were donated to the Saint Demetrios Foundation in Panorama, Thessaloniki and five (5) mattresses to the SYZOI Foundation in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki.


  •  Upgrade and enrichment of the club’s website.
    A surge in membership requests, on the EENA fb page, around 480.


  •  Organization – preparation of a scientific conference on the topic: “Protection and precautionary measures in paediatric rehabilitation”. “First aid in children” A. Hytoudis, PT., “Basic principles of Health and Safety of health professionals working with children” Kendrou Evangelia, PT, Marmaras Ioannis, PT, “COVID 19” H. Iosifidis infectious disease specialist (cancelled due to the pandemic).
  • Board vote on ” whether or not to keep the E.E.N.A. on the coordinating body of special education therapists”. Five (5) voted in favor of the association remaining. Two (2) voted against retention.


  • Organization – preparation of the Annual General Meeting on 18/10/2020.


  • In the context of informing politicians on EOPYY issues concerning special education, the vice-president of EENA Mr. Tsolakis Nikos and the secretary Mrs. Tsaridou Kiki visited:
    • The Deputy Minister of Digital Governance Mr. Georgios Georgantas.
    • The Parliament Member of of Kinal – PASOK, Mr. Frangidis Georgios.


  • Treasury and secretarial preparations due to the regular annual general meeting.


  •  Holding of the Annual General Meeting on 18/10/2020.


  • Interview of the President of EENA Nikolaos Tsolakis to the website “News4health”.
  • Press release of the coordinating committee on the controversial bill.
    Members’ newsletter.
  • Presence of the President of EUNA in the programme “DIMOTIS ON LINE ON TV100”.
  • Sending of an information letter to doctors.


  • Contacting parents’ associations and informing them about the current law.
  • Press release of the coordinating body.
  • Decision to hold talks by doctors.
  • Resolution and creation of communities of members and friends on Viber.

Yours sincerely
Administrative Council