Actions – energies of the administrative council in 2019

January 2019 – Seminar concerning the GTPR at Thessaloniki’s city hall.

February 2019 – Secretarial and cashier arranging of members.

March 2019 – Preparation of 2-day scientific seminar from November 16th to 17th, 2019.

April 2019Clinician’s View

May 2019 – Communication with the coordinating body concerning the EOPYY’s themes.

June 2019 – Communication with the coordinating body concerning the EOPYY’s themes.

July 2019 – Compliance of EENA with the GTPR.

September 2019 – Search for storeroom for the therapy mats. 

October 2019 – Renew of annual sponsorships. Epistle to EOPYY concerning the suspension of payments and the specialization of physiotherapists.

1-2/11/2019 – Implementation of 2-day scientific seminar.

1/11/2019 – Presence of EENA’s president together with the coordinating body to the under-secretary of health Mr. Kontozamani.

2/11/2019 – Regular Accounting General Assembly.

15/12/2019 – Emergency General Assembly.

Yours sincerely
Administrative Council